Sunday, January 10, 2010

Tyndall- the National Institute!

This is the Tyndall National Institute in Cork. I visited it with my class a few weeks ago for a Maths lecture.
The Institute is a new facility, owned by University College Cork- where I hope to get my degrees in Astrophysics and Aeronautical Engineering when I'm older. My Applied Mathematics teacher is organising some work experience for me here, later on this month. I'm really excited about it, should be really interesting! I'll have lots of news and pictures to share with you :) The lecturer a few weeks ago was really good. He made Maths waaay more interesting, and less scary and complicated. He said "Maths is really just a method of working things out using formulas and equations instead of doing loads of hard, long work- and that Maths is pretty much for lazy people ":P

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