Monday, January 11, 2010

Grrrr :(

So I was in class the other day, and the teacher asked if we had work experience sorted out yet or not- and if so, where were we going?
She went around the class asking everybody in turn what their plans were. When it came to me, I knew people would laugh when I said where I was planning on spending the two weeks.
I said it as casually as I could, trying not to sound like a swat or whatever. "I'm going to the Tyndall know, the one next to Pres.?"....everyone nodded and assumed that it was just some random place I chose, simply because it's next to the boys' school- they had no idea what the centre actually was.
And then my teacher asked what the centre was for and why I picked it. Shit, I thought...I can't answer without sounding like a nerd. Ah well, they can laugh all they and my friends think it's a cool place to go :)

"It's the National Institute of Science..."....a couple of sniggers and "pffft"s, mainly from the knackers. Everyone else in the class seemed pretty impressed that I'd landed such a good position for the week, so I didnt really mind a bit of laughter.

But then, my teacher HAD to go an ask why I wanted to go there, what I wanted to be when I was older...

"I wanna work for NASA or ESA after I finish university"....great. I'm gonna get the piss taken outta me now :P

A few more people sniggered and giggled. Whatever like.

I have a pretty big group of friends in school and they're all supporting me and encouraging me to do what I'm interested in! If a few girls think it's "funny" and "geeky" that I wanna do well and be successful in my career when I'm older, then fine- I'll just ignore them from now on.

It's like I said to Emily,

I'll be the one laughing at them when I'm earning a starting salary of $30,000 a year using rocket science and pushing the boundaries of science and building our future.....

and they're earning minimum wage stacking shelves and checking items in Tesco.


Then they'll wish they tried harder and cared more at school. When I'm on tv walking to the shuttle or being interviewed, they'll go "omg she was in my class".....and then they'll be proud of me!

Until then, I guess there's always gonna be haters and people who are negative.

I'll just stick it out- No one's gonna stop me from dreaming :)


1 comment:

  1. Don't let others define your dreams. You should see my friends and coworkers faces when I tell them I want to be an astronaut...
