Wednesday, January 13, 2010

BTS Young Scientist!

Tommorow I'm travelling to Dublin to see the Young Scientist Exhibition with my Applied Maths class. The exhibition is hosted every year in the RDS, and showcases the scientific projects of hundreds of selected finalists from around the country. This year will be the 46th exhibition, and winners get thousands of euros and often, scholarships and offers of sponsorship from companies.
Every year, BT provides a number of attractions for visitors to the exhibition. This year's will include; robots, "bend it like beckham", "w5 amazing experiments", and "team extreme"....
As well as viewing projects, and attractions, visitors can stop by stands set up by various universities and colleges. This gives visitors an opportunity to talk to representatives from the colleges and get advice on courses, application, facilities etc.

I'm really excited to go to the exhibition...I can't wait to see everything! Especially the UCC stand and physics and space-related projects :)

I'll take plenty of pictures so you can all get an idea of what goes on there, and the excitement!

Blog Soon, Jess xo

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