Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Ms Bowen came to talk to me today during lunch break to tell me if I was accepted for the Lab Technology Week in Cork Institute of Technology.


I was delighted when she told me, I'm really excited for the opportunity. Three of my friends also got selected, so the week should be even more fun with them there.

Ms Bowen said she was really impressed by my essay and enthusiasm, and is certain I will learn loads and benefit greatly from it...she also said she hopes I will enter the "Women in Engineering" programme in UCC.

The programme targets transition year and fifth year female students who study honours Mathematics and either honours Physics or honours Chemistry, in schools in Cork. The programme includes lectures and demonstrations from the Departments of Electrical and Electronic, Civil and Environmental, and Process Engineering, Physics and Chemistry, and the School of Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

It is hoped that by exposing girls to these programmes that they will opt to continue with Maths, Chemistry and Physics at Leaving Certificate level and will apply to study programmes related to these subjects at third level.

I'm going to apply for it and fingers crossed I get selected for that too!

Bye for now...

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