Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dr Lucy Rogers

I came across a really good book online called "It's ONLY Rocket Science" by Lucy Rogers.
I ordered from Waterstones bookstore, and they had to source it through a really obscure publisher in it might take a few weeks to arrive. The book was €30, if anybody is interested in getting it.
I wrote Dr. Rogers a few days ago, and she wrote back to me immediately! :) Her letter was fun of inspiration and encouraging me to keep following my dream. She also gave me a list of things to do and learn in order to help me become an astronaut. She advised me to learn Russian, scuba-diving, learn to fly....she also put a message out on her twitter for me! She tweeted "Yound lady from Cork wrote to me and she wants to be an astronaut...any advice for her please?"..

Nice huh? Im so glad I bought her book, because shes lovely :D
Its real good to know that someone who is really successful still has the time to reply to fan letters, and that she supported and encouraged me :P

I think I might frame her look at when I feel like giving up!

1 comment:

  1. I looked through the book on Amazon and it looks like a very easy to read and informative book, thanks!

    I also sent a note about it to David Livingston of The Space Show (, a very interesting internet radio show I listen to while I run.

    Anyway, keep it up!
