Thursday, February 11, 2010

Picture of the Day =]

This photo is called "Moon Rise" and is really famous, it was taken during the Apollo Era. I think its really beautiful photography. We can all easily see the Moon from planet Earth, but photos like this one show us how magic the Earth looks from Lunar Orbit. Ironic that we call it Earth, when its clearly ocean?XD

Dr Lucy Rogers

I came across a really good book online called "It's ONLY Rocket Science" by Lucy Rogers.
I ordered from Waterstones bookstore, and they had to source it through a really obscure publisher in it might take a few weeks to arrive. The book was €30, if anybody is interested in getting it.
I wrote Dr. Rogers a few days ago, and she wrote back to me immediately! :) Her letter was fun of inspiration and encouraging me to keep following my dream. She also gave me a list of things to do and learn in order to help me become an astronaut. She advised me to learn Russian, scuba-diving, learn to fly....she also put a message out on her twitter for me! She tweeted "Yound lady from Cork wrote to me and she wants to be an astronaut...any advice for her please?"..

Nice huh? Im so glad I bought her book, because shes lovely :D
Its real good to know that someone who is really successful still has the time to reply to fan letters, and that she supported and encouraged me :P

I think I might frame her look at when I feel like giving up!

Debating Science Issues...

Ms McNamara (my Applied Maths and Physics teacher ) told my Ap.Maths class about a competition that the people at the Tyndall Institute sent herinfo about. Its a national competition that runs every year called "Debating Science Issues". The prizes are great; laptops for each team member, software and teaching packs for the school, science grants for our class, and €1500 worth of book vouchers!! It would be amazing, and look really good on college applications and CVs.
To enter, Ms Mc Namara has to find a team of 6 students, which is perfect because thats how small our Applied Maths class is (It isnt a very popular subject in Ireland! lol).

Without sounding cocky or anything...our team is pretty kickass :P
Niamh and Mags are the President and Vice President of the Debating Society, and both have entered the Young Scientist competition twice and both of them also got accepted into the CIT Programme....Kate has done debating and public speaking before and has straight A's in English and Science and she got picked for CIT too. Caroline is basically a genius, and also got A's in Science and English. Sinead got selected with me to do Work Experience and is really good at debating and public speaking! And then theres me and I did debating and public speaking in First and Second year, and Drama for 7 years (so I'm comfortable speaking in front of people), and I got picked for CIT and Tyndall, and get A's in Science and English! :) So basically, we're the Dream Team for this competition!!!

Cant wait to get started, pretty confident that we will do well in the competition!

CIT :(

Ms Bowen came and found me today at lunch break, and she had bad news! Funding has been cut for the Lab Technology Programme I got accepted into. I was reaaaaally looking forward to it...and to be honest I was in a pretty bad mood for a while. But I guess its no ones fault, so there's no point in being annoyed. There'll be plenty of other opportunities :D